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242 Wythe Ave #4, Brooklyn, NY 11249

Our Customers

Staff Central is trusted in over 300 sites around Australia and is used by many of the leaders in the Healthcare industry.

We pride ourselves on delivering great outcomes for our clients which lead to better, sustainable care outcomes


Our results
speak for themselves

With clients experiencing...


38% reduction in agency shifts year on year


120 hours a week back into caring


5% reduction in average rates for agency staff

Download a copy of our case studies today to see how
your competitors are benefiting from Staff Central

Understanding Understanding

Client Testimonials

"Optimising our overall staffing strategy"

Staff Central's features have made it easier for us to action and onboard qualified suppliers when needed ensuring we continue to meet the high standards we set for ourselves, while optimising our overall staffing strategy.

Staff Central Testimonial Profile Icon 1
Head of Workforce Planning & Rostering
Large Aged Care Provider
"Staff Central has driven significant efficiencies, reducing our agency base by 60%."

Launched in January 2023, it has consolidated our information into a single platform, eliminating the need for multiple systems and saving both time and money. This has allowed our staff to focus on delivering exceptional care.

Staff Central Testimonial Profile Icon 1
Head of Procurement
Large Aged Care Provider

Our Trusted Partners